Sunday, May 31, 2015

Why I'm ending this Blog

I'm here with some maybe kind of sort of sad news. I've decided to quit this blog.

I'm not going to delete it, because somebody might want to read it in the future. But there won't be any new posts, I just feel like I've outgrown Animal Jam.

Another reason is kind of a petty one, I admit. My computer broke down a couple months ago, and I lost all my photos and videos. The blog didn't have them saved unless I purposely uploaded them, so most pictures are just empty boxes, which really irks me.

This is in no way due to the blacklash against tracking hackers and or scammers, it's only because of the reasons above. If you guys still want to follow an active blog of mine, it's right here. I'll try to update as much as I can as it's a personal blog.

Thanks for joining me on this journey and making this all possible :)


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Something really bad...

This is just a super quick post, but the thing is, I was checking one of my older posts and there are no pictures left! :c I suppose mostly because the photo files were never correctly retrieved. I apologize! Hopefully if you want to look back at any of my older posts you can do without do without the pictures and just read.


Sunday, March 29, 2015

New Computer!

Hey everyone!

I'm finally on spring break, and so I'm guessing everyone else is too?? I feel really bad for the people who don't have breaks throughout the year, school is really stressful.

Other than that, I got a new computer! You're probably asking yourself: why did she need a new computer?

Here's the thing; my laptop was basically dead and I didn't know, until my computer refused to turn on because of something wrong with my hard disc. I went over to friend's house (her dad is great with technology, unlike my parents and I) and he said that it was pretty much dead. I couldn't recover any pictures, so hopefully I didn't lose anything important. My new laptop is decent, the only downside that the memory stinks, therefore I have no space to get Google Chrome, so blogger looks and acts wonky.

So how has everyone been? Great. I'm hoping?

Fair Trade? 
I've gotta be sure and update the blog. I went to see the Cinderella movie, but was a bit late so I missed most of the Frozen Fever short. Did anyone else see it? I thought it was okay, a little bit boring at times, but okay.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

My Birthday

Hey everyone! I'm back with great news! It's my birthday on Thursday! *waits for applause* Okay nvm. But yeah, I'm really excited <3 <3

I'm disappointed that I can't buy the pizza items :( Darn member items. I did end up getting the two items available for non-members with a leftover diamond I had. Not like I was going to be able to buy anything else with it lol

Enchanted chillin' and eating pizza. 
I'm thinking about ending the entire giveaway all together. Only 2 forms were submitted, but eh, whatever. It was a last-minute thing anyway.

Gonna update the site layout soon, maybe add some music or change the theme? Spring theme? It's not really spring yet where I am. It's -20 today and the snow is still piled up. *sigh*

Updates on the scammers/hackers:
duder8888- Nothing different. He's using the same animal, clothing, pattern, still has membership, etc. That's gotta be a boring life :P

x- Do my eyes deceive me? His account has been.... deleted!? Wow, that took forever. You'd think with all he did the staff would fix it quicker.

HyperDrunk- Their account is gone too. I was pretty surprised about this one.

7backup- At least 7 is still here. Thier koala is kind of scary looking though. Nothing mysterious in their den or anything. 

Guess I'm going to have find some new hackers D: They've all either left or deactived (which is good, don't get me wrong). 

It's poor eyeballs.
The blog is looking kind of bare, so if you have any fanart, banners, etc feel free to tell me and/or email it to me@

Now, instead of friday funny, for other posts I'll put "is this trade fair?" I'll post pictures of AJ trades, and you decide if it was fair or not! :D Let's start:


Thursday, January 29, 2015


Okay scratch what I said before, I have surely died and gone to homework heaven. School has cursed me, and tbh I'm really not as interested in AJ as I was when I started this blog. And I haven't gone on animal jam in over 2 months, so right now I'm going to see what has changed.

Soz right off the bat at I see the new armor (adorable, too bad I don't have membership) and the "friendship" festival. AJ, give it up. Valentine's day is def for more than friends, and there's no way of hiding the crazy amount of 7 year old couples playing your game.

I also have 2 messages ^-^ goody!
And duder111 sent me a friend request...? Ok I probably sent him a request like 4 months ago... not that much of a surprise.

I'm also currently working (or I was) on an aj amv of Jamie Grace's "Hold Me". Here is a preview pic of a scene I took. 

Kind of lame, ik
And to make it up to everyone, I am hosting a giveaway! *cricket chirping in the distance* Don't worry, it's not a plushie. I'm giving away my rare grey bow + any 1 item on my tradelist of your choice! 
The items that are available for you to choose are shown above. (Not including the items my bunny is wearing)

The task to win two of these items are simple. Fill out this form, and tada! You are entered! No personal information is involved, the most you need is your username on AJ. I will use a random name generator to choose. More rules and information about the giveaway can be seen here!

PumpkinBlue Snowflake