Disclaimer: I don't hate all 15 year olds, but I honestly don't think they should not be on a game like Animal Jam that is targeted to younger players. The result is players that hack, bully, and are down right annoying.
What happened that instead of going with my friend HunnyBadger to Serepia Forest I ended up in a fight with three people, all much older than me. I was trying to troll, but it seemed that a wolf (we'll call him Commander because that's all I remember of his nametag) was being rude to someone else. And me being the stuck up person that I am, decided to barge in. Commander was insulting someone, and because they seemed older from the way they talked; I told them to stop playing a kids game. They said "right back at ya" and "says the person who paid for the game" which made my blood boil, and I made a decent comeback but then they responded and I lost it. A koala named Infinity was a jerk as well, and Commander ended up with the last laugh, as did Infinity when they blocked me. I was angry/bored so I went over to her sleeping koala and I jumped on her. And with Commanders apparent dirty mind said "That's messed up Snow!" and Infinity followed along and said she reported me for 'bad behavior'. A cheetah then came over to me, and didn't end up blocking me so I had an argument with her. And of course, they all used the age card saying "Can't get sleep because of 8 year olds" and I told her I was much older than eight. And that's when they revealed their age, they were all 15 and one was 14. So basically they were picking on me because I was a few years younger .-. I got super angry and said my age (which I regret a lot) and I really hope I don't get banned.
*Long breath of air* I guess that's my post for today. Sorry if you find my rant posts kind of annoying >.<
Friday Funny: