Saturday, December 6, 2014

Christmas Time

I am alive everyone! Muahahaha! Yes, after massive amounts of homework and procrastination, I am finally back for the holiday! Speaking of the blog, I am aware it is still on the halloween theme, oops! I'll try to switch that as soon as I can.

I am here to talk about annoying people on AJ (and some trolling too, teehee). The other day my friend Hunnybadger saw a thread on a website for Animal Jam titled "free memership." She wanted to see what it was (knowing it was a scam, obviously) and this is what it said:

"hey animaljamcentral plz plz plz plz plz plz give me a membership I am homeless I am only at my uncles house right now we walked all the way here so plz plz plz plz give me a membership

P.S. its my b-day tomorrow so plz this would be a dream come true"

Even if this is true (which if could be) I hate when people beg, especially giving bad situations they're in so people feel bad for them. This reminds me of when I was very young and I would constantly play on Webkinz. I was in the trading room a lot, so I saw a lot of things like that. For example, I remember a couple of times seeing people say:

"My mom died, I am crying and I really want *insert rare and popular item here*. Please make me happy and send it to me!"

I thought, and still think that these types of things are shallow. Even though scamming and begging for items already is shallow, pretending a family member died or making up an elaborate story for a pixel item is just terrible. Another incident that HunnyBadger experienced was about Santa Claus. There were apparently a bunch of animals hopping in the middle of Jamaa Township saying

"HOP IF U THINK SANTA IS REAL SIT IF U DONT" so HunnyBadger sat and said "well what if you don't celebrate christmas" then they blew up saying stuff like "IF UR SITTING U WILL GET COAL" "U MY HERO SANTA" "OMG ARCTIC U DONT BELIEVE IN SANTA" "I FEEL BAD FOR U" "SANTA SO REAL" "I LUV SANTA" "I GET EVERYTHING I WANT"

I asked her if she could take some snapshots, but they had sadly migrated to somebody's den by then.

So during this holiday season, remember not to act like the people listed above ^.^ You're so much better than that.  Thanks for reading

Saturday (?) Funny!

This 100% explains my thoughts on the people I talked about above. (click here for enlarged version)

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Posting Hiatus

Hey everyone, pigsloth here c: I've been extremely busy with my schoolwork recently, so until Winter Break I don't think I'll be posting anything major. The other authors of this blog will mostly likely be posting stuff every once in a while.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My pet peeves

Hi! I just felt the need to show my pet peeves, so here are my current pet peeves:

When people just won't get out of your den!
I hate when people refuse to get out your den. Before we had the new button to get rid of non buddies, my friend had a fight with a person who wouldn't get out :(.

Certain Clans
Not all clans do this, but some clans like to kill people who aren't even acting as real animals for food. Like they kill a deer playing around with their friends.

When you're not around for a while, then your friends say you have to make up for the time your were not around
No! I don't need to stay up till 3:00 in the morning like jake from state farm!

people who friend you for your rares!
This happens to me alot. I don't like it because I want true friends!

That's it for now!


Hello people! I am Juniper as I like to call myself! I am going to start posting on the dark side of animal jam. I am excited that I get the chance to join this blog :)! Thanks!
Btw: juniper and fauna are the first names of my first animal jam animals.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Discoshop and my Theory

In a previous post on Pink's Blog (Now HufflePuff) people were defending discoshop's den and how they got the items. I, of course, am kind of suspicious of anything mildly out of place, so I had to investigate. Which is the reason I'm posting on a Tuesday instead of a Friday. So let's start with what we know:

  • Discoshop has 23 dens filled to the brim with specific items, generally having to do with a theme like their username says. 
  • I was told by monkeygirl1057 AJ that they buddied the person, and that supposedly the 'shop' dens are all owned by the same person (even though this can't be proved correct or false at the moment): 

As you can tell, there isn't at information about how they got the items, but I can say for a fact that even with as many accounts that the person/s made, their tableshop, bluerugshop and nonmemberportalshop would still not be possible. Here are the things we don't know:
  • The main account of the person/s who made the multiple accounts 
  • The exact reason for the multiple dens
  • The way they got the items
But with or without these facts, I'll try to debunk this comment:

  1. There is no way to prove that this is one singular person, even though it would prove my point even more.
  2. Having them buddy you doesn't prove they are a single person.
  3. "They have played AJ for a long time" Okay, I've been playing Animal Jam since 2011, a little after the beta stages. I consider that a long time, but there is no where in heck I am able to get that many items, long time or not.
  4. "and because they are the same person" once again, this person not cheating for items can not be proved by them being a single person. And just like before: that would prove even more that it was a hack.
The most suspicious rooms in the den series were of course the tableshop, bluerug shop, and the nonmemberportalshop. I'm not going to take a picture of everysingle one, just go on Animal Jam and look them up. The only one I'm going to show is the portal shop. 

As you can see, there are a ton of them. And if we go by the idea that they have been on Animal Jam for a while, it's still not possible because the portals have only been around for a year or so. The portals DO only cost a diamond, but still, this would be about 40-50 diamonds, and non members don't receive diamonds, remember? That would make it nearly impossible for this person to get this amount of portals.
There's even more on the top and bottom. Vist the den to experience the lag first hand!
Lastly, the tableshops and the bluerugs. I counted all the dens, and it ended up with a whopping 23 dens. Even with all these dens, you would only get 1 table and 1 rug an account. And even though everyone gets these items when they join, they usually end up being discarded.

Hopefully I helped everyone think and gave enough evidence for you to make a solid decision on wether or not this person/s have been hacking, scamming or are just really hardcore. Thanks for reading and have a happy Halloween!


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Polar Bears are coming to AJ!

Hello everyone! After a very long and monotonous journey through jamaa, I am back to bring you the latest scoop on Animal Jam!

In the Jamaa Journal it showed this picture and said that Liza was exploring (like moui) and took a picture of this animal!
It's pretty obvious it's a polar bear; but whatever keeps the kiddies happy, I suppose xD

With that, I have been notified that that 7 has made a backup account named 7backup. Is Animal staff that dense that they accept a request to change the username of the most notorious hacker in history!? But on the bright side that means that the username 7 is open!! 

My favorite halloween have got to be the candy shop theme and the bone items/ skeleton suit. What's your favorite item? 

Friday-Thursday Funny (I don't have school anymore this week so it feels like a Friday to me :P)

60 year old girl meme!
This meme is going to be the death of me

Question of the day: What different languages do you speak? 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Very Needed Update of October

I made a previous post yesterday, but after checking over the usual blogs I'm on and AJ itself, I need to clear up somethings.

If you didn't know, the other author of this blog has left blogger for an unknown period of time. Pink will still be kept as an admin unless she says that she is leaving for good. If you want more information about her leaving click here. EDIT: Pink has said that it is more of a month hiatus instead. 

Second thing I need to talk about is the latest post I made. It got 75 views and about 5 or 6 comments and I'm worried it was for a bad reason. I was not dissing every 14 year old on Animal Jam ever. I was in a very bad mood, away from my house, with not other way to rant. If you are a very nice person who is older than I am, kudos to you. I do not hate you and I don't wish you'd leave aj. I made the post because I've started to see a pattern in older players and I just wanted to make people aware.

Third thing is 7. From what I see on AJ, 7 is banned for life as his account no longer exists at all. It's very suspicious, although the most obvious answer is that AJ staff caught onto 7's hacking and remove him.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Leave now, all 15 year olds

I'm in a really terrible mood right now, so I'm trying to blog the pain out.

Disclaimer: I don't hate all 15 year olds, but I honestly don't think they should not be on a game like Animal Jam that is targeted to younger players. The result is players that hack, bully, and are down right annoying.

What happened that instead of going with my friend HunnyBadger to Serepia Forest I ended up in a fight with three people, all much older than me. I was trying to troll, but it seemed that a wolf (we'll call him Commander because that's all I remember of his nametag) was being rude to someone else. And me being the stuck up person that I am, decided to barge in. Commander was insulting someone, and because they seemed older from the way they talked; I told them to stop playing a kids game. They said "right back at ya" and "says the person who paid for the game" which made my blood boil, and I made a decent comeback but then they responded and I lost it. A koala named Infinity was a jerk as well, and Commander ended up with the last laugh, as did Infinity when they blocked me. I was angry/bored so I went over to her sleeping koala and I jumped on her. And with Commanders apparent dirty mind said "That's messed up Snow!" and Infinity followed along and said she reported me for 'bad behavior'. A cheetah then came over to me, and didn't end up blocking me so I had an argument with her. And of course, they all used the age card saying "Can't get sleep because of 8 year olds" and I told her I was much older than eight. And that's when they revealed their age, they were all 15 and one was 14. So basically they were picking on me because I was a few years younger .-. I got super angry and said my age (which I regret a lot) and I really hope I don't get banned.

*Long breath of air* I guess that's my post for today. Sorry if you find my rant posts kind of annoying >.<

Friday Funny:

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Banner Thing ovo

I made a banner for AJDS, I hope you like it!

I made it on, so if you don't like it, you can make another one! owo

Friday, September 19, 2014

Moar Pet Peeves

I am back for the weekend! *happy dance* But not everything is happy right now. I'm on AJ late at night and those two things do not sit well with me. I get really irritated by the slightest thing which does not end up well for people who act annoying. Which is why I'm here to complain more yaaaaaay

So my two newest pet peeves:

Randomly Locking Dens: 
This annoys me SO much, especially if you're actually doing something and/or starting a rp. For example, we were starting a warrior cats rp tonight and then randomly the person leading the thing glitched, left the game the den locked. What the heck!? That got me pretty angry. With this new feature comes great responsibility; that means you don't lock people out when you are bored.

Tricking people for 'teh laughs'
This has happened a few times before-- and the idea of going to their den isn't outrageous, it's usually just a fashion show or 'look at something cool in my den.' And then they end it by locking the den and laughing at their unamusing joke.

What's your opinion? Has the den locking feature done more bad than good? Leave your opinions in the comments! <3 (I'm also starting the monthly favorites in October, if anyone was wondering)

Thank you for the 2,000+ views! I can't believe people have actually been viewing my blog after me not posting for a week ;A;

Friday Funny:

Friday, September 12, 2014

Cool Den Secrets

Soooo after a lot of thought, I've decided that I will post on Fridays every week. I will try to post on days in between but there is no promises.

Guess what everyone!? :D I got membership again! I looked at the new clothing items and the new furniture and omg!! I <3 Ancient Egpyt so much. Anyway, back onto the subject:

A jammer was advertising a den called airportshojiscreens. So I went there and the whole den was filled up with shoji screens so I was like wat. Then there was a portal leading to another den called airportbeds filled with beds. Finally after one more portal I landed into airport's actual den. So try out this magical adventure for yourself :D it's really a sight to see lol

I'm going to put a funny aj related picture at the bottom of most of my posts now c: Like this:

Or even

Today's question: What are you going to dress up as for Halloween?

Monday, September 8, 2014


I felt in the Animal Jam mood while I was finishing up my homework.... so here you go! ^-^

Being the annoying derp I am, I went back onto my troll account and decided to troll. This did not go as well as I expected and I may or may not have ticked some people off in the process. Example A:

"I must yell at u for pretend food and then leave so i cannot get in trouble muahaha i am the overlord i'm probably the smartest gopher in the world"

Example B:
I'm the sarcastic penguin in the distant btw But honestly, why in the world would I be playing AJ if I hated it xD 

I dressed up red and this is how the conversation went:
Me: Dress up red if you hat aj
Arctic Wolf: why....
Me: idk
Arctic Wolf: not cool
Me: ikr i am not cool
Arctic Wolf: whatever *leaves*

so if you're one of those apparently existing people who play on aj and don't like it:

jk xD but I seriously dare everyone to wear red to school tomorrow. If anyone asks why you and your army friends are all wearing red just say "hater!" and run as fast as you can. 


Friday, September 5, 2014

September Possible Scammers SEMI LONG

EDIT: Ik I have said this at least a thousand times since August, but so sorry for the lack of posts! I have not been on AJ willingly these past few weeks and homework has consumed my time. I'll make another post with the new posting schedule later. So for right now, enjoy! :)


 I have just learned that tomorrow it was Animal Jam's 4th birthday recently :D I still have the 1st birthday cake.... memories. So if anyone is hosting a party of AJ or if somebody wants me to I will xD It depends if people will show up.

Okay, now for the actual post, I have a lot of possible scammers. I think I took a lot of screenshots and forgot to make a post. So that means a really big post :D Let's begin:

Creature the bunny and another blue bunny that's kind of hard to see in this screenshot they scammed the deer and were actually the same person. I didn't get the chance to see their usernames :|

FYI, I was not asking to seriously go to the trust xD I just wanted to see their username.

I circled the scammer in red because I am creative :3

That is all for right now :) I'm thinking about making a blog about my daily life :| I'm not sure anyone would care but I have this urge to talk about off-topic stuff and I don't want to clutter this blog with it >.<

Thank you for reading and no I am not dead.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Terrible AJ Vids

I've pretty hooked on YouTube LPs as of recent, so naturally I roam around on the Animal Jam side and I see really terrible videos. Videos about how to scam, hack, bully and everything else under the sun. Is this seriously what Animal Jam has morphed into??

For example:
By just looking "animal jam how to" you get these results. The first two are how to cheat and get free membership and the fifth is how to hack. This is really upsetting. Are there that many people who like to spend their time hacking into a site where a large portion of the players are under the age of 13?? if you simply looking up 'animal jam' one of the first results will be 'animal jam mating' .-. Just WHY. Has anybody else seen anymore disturbing or upsetting AJ vids? I'd like to make another post with more than one example. And I'm kind of curious lol


Monday, August 25, 2014

I'm not dead!

I am back... after like a 3 or 4 day hiatus >.< So here's a quick update (really early in the morning because I like to exhaust myself by staying awake until 1 am and waking up at 7 -.-)

My membership ran out and I'm saving for 6 months, so I may not have my membership back until middle-late next month.

From what I see on the poll, most people are okay with school, 2 people hate it and 2 people love it. If you haven't voted yet; there's still time!

Now an update on the hackers & scammers:

X - He stills seems to be playing the 'all my rares got stolen/taken my AJ staff' game. Which means nothing in his den has changed.

7 - Still nothing from 7.

duder8888 - I don't think he's been on since our last encounter. Therefore I can't check his den :\

HyperDunk - I've never talked about this guy but FYI he is a total hacker. It's not even a question. Today I checked and his den was locked.... what is he hiding? :o well not much since everyone has since his huge stash of betas.

I'll be sure to do another possible scammer post.... I haven't done one in a month or two o.o time flies.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Otters are ruining everything

You heard. Otters are going to be the death of me. Annoying people complain about the otters are everywhere!

"Why do all the pets cost diamonds?"

"I need an otter!"

"No fair! Show off!"

I personally, give 0 craps about this new pixel pet. Animal Jam is fun while it lasts and once you turn older, who is going to care about the otter pet you never got? Most likely no one. Sure, the otters were cute, but no need to get upset over it. So please, people who want the otter and feel the need to complain on AJ, please stop. 


Now excuse me while I go get my picture taken for school .-. Gaaah! My whole room smells like hair spray. I hope the teachers know I'm missing a new episode of my favorite show for this.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I'm Back!

Another update post... yeah....   So anyway, I'm back! :D I never actually went anywhere, I was just not inspired to blog so I left for a few days. Anything bad happened when I was gone? I'd hope not D:

Today on AJ I got a tiny pet rhino and its sooooo cute! <3 I'll probably make a post about that later today. It's a really good deal now because they changed the price from 2 gems to 3 so it's more affordable! :)

I don't have much news about AJ, so I guess I'll just blog about upcoming stuff in RL~

I go back to school in the start of September so I won't be posting much then because my teachers always insist on giving me piles of homework (even on the first day .-.) I'll try my best but I warn you that I may or may not rant about school stuff every so often.

After the poll I've seen that pretty much everyone is okay with me doing monthly favorites. Which means at the end of the month I'll do a list of stuff. Speaking of polls, I've changed the poll and now I can see how many people like or dislike school!

And have some people already started school?!? *shudder* I'm glad I still have a week left. Starting school is August would be terrible.

Thanks for reading and I'm 99.9% sure I'll double post today. Bye!

Friday, August 15, 2014

I'm in a terrible mood

Hey everyone! This post is hopefully going to be short, but knowing me it won't be. I just want to say that I may not be posting anything today or next week at this time. Next week I'm going to a family wedding and I'll probably be gone two days. As for today... it's a semi long story. I'm sure nobody will really care about what happened but I feel like when I tell people about things it makes me feel better. So please excuse this random post.

Note: If you have a phobia of pointy objects or the doctor, I suggest you do not read. 

Okay, so almost a year ago to this day, I went to the doctor. Nothing serious, nothing major happened. The problem started with a shot. You're probably like, 'so what, it was a shot. no biggie.' And that is true, but that isn't the reason. I went home and on my old account (which I deleted) and blogged about one of the shots hurt really bad. And this shot is what started it all. It took nearly a week for the pain to stop, and even then it hurt every so often. Then a few months later, it started twitching. Yes, twitching. I wouldn't even move the muscle, it would just twitch D: It would go on for about a day whenever I put any pressure on it. Then it would stop. Then a few months later the same thing would happen again in the same place the shot happened. And through the year, it happened about 3-4 times. It happening again today and I freaked out. I told my mom about it and she can't call the doctors until Monday.

Has anybody else had this happen to them? Any idea on what is happening? :S Once again, sorry about this whole drama, just needed to blog about my issues.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The problem w/ Fashion shows

We all love fashion shows on Aj. Power. Control. Showing off your precious items. Okay, so maybe that isn't the reason most people go to fashion shows. So why are fashion shows a bad idea? I'll explain:

  1. Annoying Brats everywhere- There's a large section of 8 year old brats on Animal Jam, you can't deny it. And most likely they will be searching for attention in multiple ways. They usually beg for items and cause issues wherever they go. And what a better place to do that then at... fashion shows. See an item they want? Not for trade. Pshh, nothing is stopping them from begging. Did they lose the round? Let's start a riot!
  2. Nonmember exclusion- It doesn't happen so often, but I have seen people excluding nonmembers from fashion shows and other places repeatedly. It also becomes an issue when the judge seems to pick off nonmembers first just because they can't get a certain item to make the very specific theme work.
  3. Winners are the worst- Okay. So the fashion show is done, and half of the contestants are already gone. The annoying person of course-- and gets a prize. The judge delivers the prize and.... it's a plushie from the claw! :D They will never have this, no. They have won fair and square by doing nothing but put virtual clothes on! They are entitled to have a better item than this!! /endsarcasm 
  4. Manipulation- There's always at least one person there to manipulate the judge into feeling bad for them. It can range from a sad smiley to a full blown "I'm totally going to lose, bye guys." The worse part is the judge usually gives in and kicks you out instead. And when their time actually comes to leave, they will be the first to cry, I guarantee.
But no matter happens, we can all agree fashions shows and 100 times better than Best Dressed xD it's the truth. 

so now i will be going to bed because it is almost 1 in the morning and I am not tired because of an amazing thing called sugar. thanks for reading.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I get this JAG from someone:
 I kindly say "It's not for trade, sorry!" Then they say this:
Me saying this in my head: Brat. You're just angry you didn't get a headdress. :I

Even Moar Rude Jammers

Time for more rude jammers :D The first person on our list is this girl right here:

Geez, it's just a chair.
I didn't even bother looking at her username. I was bored so I went to a wolf clan, and sat down on one of the chairs (I was still a bunny, lol). Then Princess came here and starting telling me to get off her chair because she was the 'daughter' of the owner of the den. Then she started threatening to lock then den. She left for awhile, then came back and asked her 'mom' if she could be a leader to which her mom said no and she said she would run away. If that wasn't enough, the mom locked her den even before anybody got started!! What a waste.

The second person was even worse. Their username was kitcat47732 and they sent me a jam-a-gram asking if I wanted to trade. I checked out their list and they stuff that I really wanted, so I went to her den and said that I came to trade w/ her like she asked. Then she said "nm" (nevermind) and locked the den! Seriously?? 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


So because my brother feels that this wasn't that important (?!) he decided not to tell me that a few days ago I was an epic den?? I hope this was true but my younger brother lies a lot -.- 

Secondly, I've made a trolling account where I can basically be a spazz. The username is clownmakeup (very fitting, ik) and if you ever see me on there feel free to add me :D And don't take anything serious that I say xD

Did anybody hear about the passing of Robin Williams? I'm kind of a Disney addict so it was kind of sad to hear that the man who played the Genie in Aladdin and many other media died. Rest in peace :(

And lastly I see that this blog has reached 1000+ views :o Thank you so much everybody who has read and been apart of this blog. I feel like doing an official giveaway but I'm not sure what everybody would want from me xD

I'll be working on some possible scammers soon. Thanks for reading everyone!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Items Lost

So a couple hours ago Animal Jam was down maintenance like usual. The only different thing was that I lost a few items I got during the hour before it went down for maintenance. Luckily it wasn't anything extreme: just 2 chairs from Jam Mart Furniture and a flag from the flag store. That totaled to about 1,000 gems earning and buying loss. Did this happened to anyone else? If so, what did you lose?

Whatever the staff did during the maintenance, hopefully one of the things were fixing the glitches.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Lots o' Glitches

More glitches time! :D Let's start off with my new personal fave way to troll. Its called being literally invisible. A user called lillig50024 was saying that there was glitch that when you go into her den as any water animal (except for penguin and seal, which didn't work) and come out invisible. And so to test out this theory I did exactly that. I was in the underwater den as my turtle for like 5 seconds when we were locked out and landed in Coral Canyons as ghosts. The funny thing was is that other people saw us like this and we went around saying "boo!" to everyone. Too bad the effect wears off as soon as you leave your current location.
Posing for the camera! Or are we...?
The last glitch is one that I've experienced many times these past 2 days. It's not a fun glitching and can result in awkward situations if you're looking at a scammers/hackers den. The other day I got kind of freaked out because a player dressed up as fman asked to have one of my items and I said no. I made a post about it yesterday but decided it was probably pure coincidence what happened. To make a long story short, I felt as if that person was following me. I checked their player card from a jam-a-gram they sent me and it said they were offline. I went to go look at their den and seconds later the person came into their den. I did this a few times and I was kind of confused why this person seemed to be getting onto Aj and into their den at the same time I did. I finally decided to stop and look up their username, and on that player card it said they were online which lead me to the conclusion that something was glitching with the jam-a-gram system. And as I said before, this has happened multiple times; so don't be fooled by the player card. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

New Parlor Theme

This is kind of a weird post because this blog mainly has to do with the fact of bad experiences but today I wanted to do something nice and talk about the new item theme. Apparently jammers were voting for what theme they wanted (I had no clue this was going on btw) and the winner was..... Icecream parlor! I'm so excited and happy and I can't wait until they come out with more items for the theme. I've pretty much set up my parlor which is why the plushie giveaway is on hold until further notice. People who previously asked for some but never got any are still able to get them.
It's done! For now.....

So whether member or nonmember, you can buy items from this collection. If you're a nonmember you only have about 3 items to choose from, but it's better than nothing. 

If anybody has the sweet treats wallpaper, I'd be willing to trade for it with my beta wood floor (see in the pic above). If you want to trade, jam-a-gram me or you can comment below. Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

duder8888 has returned

Remember duder8888? (if you don't you can just use the search bar on the side of the this blog and search 'is this jammer a hacker or scammer') I was kind of giving up on finding more about him and if really does scam or hack. Now it's not like I stalk him or something, but guess how I found him. I was just going into Jamaa and he was just standing there. What are the chances? I quickly went into his den and at first glance nothing had changed except that he took away all those arcade games and out the beta items in that room. I'll try and see today if I can get a picture of what he's changed.

On the last post most people (including me) thought that this person was a hacker, scammer or maybe even both. But have I found proof that maybe he's just a millionaire in disguise. If you go to the Animal Jam homepage, scroll above and click on the tab that says "gifts". There, you can buy 100,000 gems for $60. Doing the math, you can only buy 10 gold blocks. I'm not entirely sure if I already covered this in the old post but I'm too lazy to check.

I'm kind of leaning toward the idea that he's a hacker because it would take a ton of scamming to get so many things.
thanks for reading!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Why Flashing is annoying

Hello everyone! I've decided to talk about something called 'flashing' today.What flashing is basically somebody sends you a trade but they quickly decline. So why is it 'bad'? (or just super annoying) Well a few reasons, actually. 

  1. Somebody could accidentally click accept and trade the items (which is probably the main reason for flashing)
  2. Trying to tease somebody.
  3. Just to be an annoying troll with nothing better to do on AJ.
Flashing kind of reminds me of an old way people use to scam newbies on the site. Back when Animal Jam hadn't implemented the feature where you have to click the accept button 2 times before getting the items scammers would tell people to click exactly on an item where the accept button was. Usually they would say if you click on the item enough you would get a glove (back when gloves were super popular) when instead they would rob you of the best item on your list. 

So what does everybody else think of the flashing thing? A harmless annoyance or something that could be considered scamming?  And feel free to answer the poll before you leave~ thanks :)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Long Update AJ Style

Update time :D Let's getting started with the rants:

I can't be the only one scared to open their den... am I? Everytime I open it random people seem to come flooding into my den  o-o He-lloooo? Privacy people? :| But seriously, this morning I opened my den and I was bored so I was dancing in Jamaa and some girl went into my den and tried to claim one of my items xD My natural reaction was of course "wth is she doing". So I told her I think she had the wrong place and this wasn't a store. She made a face and then I eventually left my den and she was still in there for like 2 more minutes :\ I then went to a trading party and she was there begging somebody for a beta item when they already said. So yeah, pretty much just bad experiences :p

I was thinking doing monthly AJ favorites would be pretty cool. Would anybody actually want to see that? I know how boring my posts are xD Example: Favorite Clothing item this moth, favorite den item etc etc. I'll probably put a poll up just to be sure.

I've done a lot of stuff about hacking lately, so I'll try to even it out an do more scamming stuff.

Thanks for reading! 

Friday, August 1, 2014

7's Membership is gone!

I've been pretty obsessive with 7 lately, haven't I? :p The only reason being is that X has been inactive for at least a week now.

So anyway, 7's membership seems to have expired (or maybe AJ suspended him? idk) But his den is still full of tons of nm betas.
Some beta tables, some beta pillows? 

Empty seats?? Could he be planning to get more of these beta pillows to finish the den? o-o

Seriously? :|
And the last bit of the den has MORE rares. 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Trading Advice Needed

This is kind of a different post today, but I really need some trading advice. Ever since I accidentally traded my pink bow I've been very paranoid about what I'm trading for. I'm really not that knowledgeable about beta worth and how some rares are different than others. I'll show you the items I'm having problem trading and the issues: (images found from google)

Nm Beta Wood Floor- 
People have been flooding me with trades for this item which is why I was kind of cautious to put it on trade... The problem is nobody understands its beta, so they tried trading a whole bunch of Monday Rares for it. I really want to know what this is worth, I tried trading this for a Sweets Wallpaper but the person denied and said I needed to add more. Is this true? D: Please help!

Member (Beta?) Top Hat- 
I'm not entirely sure if this one is beta or just kind of uncommon. I haven't had much problem with this one but I don't want to trade it because it was also given to me my friend but I've have a ton of offers on this. What is this one's worth?

Curly Wigs- 
I have 2 of these wigs (blonde and brunette) and I really want to trade for more but I don't want to overpay big time. Any ideas what these are worth?

Thanks for the help everyone!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

7 Fan Girls??

Yesterday late at night I decided to go check on the hackers and I saw nearly a full den of people jumping in his den. The weird part? 7 was there. I had a picture, but of course my computer ran out of power and I forgot to save it .-. There were even girls there saying "I think that most of us here are just fangirls." Okay, that is seriously messed up in more ways than one... why would you 'fangirl' over somebody who is clearly a hacker? Why are you fangirling over him and who the heck is he!?

Somebody came into the den and tried to tell everybody that 7 was not good and that he had scammed WootMoo. This leads me to believe that 7 is famous in AJ for whatever reason? (probably hacking/scamming people) I looked up WootMoo and his den was open but full so I couldn't get in and see o-o So then I checked out google. Nothing came up for AJ 7 but a lot came for WootMoo. All the videos I saw that had to do with him being a scammer himself, which explains all his videos that show him with hoards of clothing and item rares.

So is this just a petty fight between 2 people of the same kind?? Probably xD The start of the AJ war!!?? Who knows. Let's just hope the hackers stay at bay for a while.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Poll Results + Explanations

I'm back today with the poll results! Anon users were allowed to choose multiple answers.

Question: Biggest AJ Pet Peeve?

Rude People - 8 Votes

Hackers - 8 Votes

Scammers - 6 Votes

Moochers - 4 Votes

So Rude People and Hackers were tied! If anybody has any suggestions about what the next poll should be tell me in the comments!

Something I also need to clear up is the the last post. A lot of people were weirded out by my comments... sorry about that Dx I was all jittery and hyper yesterday and I was feeling sick to my stomach. So I quickly wrote something down and it turned into....that. If anybody is seriously disturbed by it I'll delete it... once again, sorry about that!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Glitch #1

Sorry about the lack of posts... I was very busy yesterday and I'm feeling kind of sick today. But the blog must go on! :D Luckily I have a backup post about a glitch I discovered last week xD

Not really a dark side of AJ post but more of a goofy and slightly disturbing one. So anyway... I went to a prom in Jamaa and it turned out no boys came (not that I would actually hang out with one anyway) so all the girls had a party just talking to themselves. I was wearing that one hat from the Clothing Store that had a veil over it. I made my fox dance and guess what.....

Quick, cover your brains! I hear zombies!!
So yeah.. still not sure what the heck happened. Maybe the hat was too tight for her head and it ripped off her skull? 

That's it for today. I'll probably be posting more glitch posts later..... bye!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Another X Den Update

Another den of the hacker X! Darn, he has a ton of dens, doesn't he 0-o

Tons of gold. But not as much as duder8888.
The only thing other thing in  his den was a red couch, huge snow globe and a red table.

That's all. Is there anything else or anybody's else den I should screenshot? Suggest in the comments! Oh, and if you haven't already, you can answer the poll, one day is left ^.^

Friday, July 25, 2014

Possible Scammers - #3

I got my membership back! Which means it's time for... *drum roll please* more possible scammers! :D

New Jammer


Dislcaimer: I'm not sure if these jammers for sure scam. They could be the 1 in 1 million that doesn't. But just to be sure I've added them here. 

Thanks for viewing! ★~(◡‿◕✿)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

500+ Views

I just realized something... this blog has 500 views! Which is halfway to 1,000 and this blog has only been here for 3 weeks o-o This is my most viewed blog that I've ever had, and I need to thank whoever is reading this right now. So... thanks! xD

And because I'm not active until tomorrow, the Plushie Giveaway is on hiatus. Sorry to everyone who's been trying to get plushies :\


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Weird Story

Kind of an update post today..... I'm going to be busy today and I didn't post anything yesterday.

My membership ran out yesterday :( Luckily, I have enough money to renew it but sadly it won't be today. So I won't be on much this week.

Another thing that happened was really weird. Before my membership ran out some random girl sent a buddy request so of course I accepted it. A few seconds later she followed me into my den and started calling me 'beautiful' and 'cute'. Okay this wouldn't be THAT weird if I already knew her or something but she is a total stranger. So then I back away slowly and quickly go to Jamaa to hide from this person o-o A few minutes later they send me a Jam-a-gram with one of those messages that says "meet me in Crystal Reef" so I'm like 'fine, maybe she's going to apologize for acting like a creep. But as soon as I got there she left. So I followed her this time thinking maybe she didn't see me. Yet again she left at the sight of me... so yeah. Should I take her off my friends list? Or was she trying to be friends with me in an odd way? IDK

So that's it for today :D It's my brother's birthday (his username on AJ is 'crackingeggs' lol don't ask why) party for today which is why I'm going to be gone for most of the time. Bye! \(◕ω◕✿)/ 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Note: creepersofthenethter is now tacocat101
Click here to see the original post.

So, a close friend of mine, DewDropReptile, sent Tacocat101/creepersofthenethetr a founder's hat. Then Creepers claimed that Repti was a scammer (THAT UNGRATEFUL JERK!) just because he had a beta mask that Creepers THOUGHT was unreleased just because he saw something on the Wiki. The Wiki is probably the worst possible resource to get info from. :/

But yeah. Then he claimed that Laurensmartpants scammed Repti. (THE HECK?!)

This is all I know, because I wasn't there for some of it. Once Naffy posts about this again I'll link to the post.

Naffy posted.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Drama w/ my "friend"

I was not going to triple post today but what just happened to me is so cringe worthy and confusing I have to. 

*Sigh* So remember what I posted today? The Pet Peeves today? Yeah, I experience one of those. So for whatever reason this girl named Elsa9003 had buddied me and today she followed me into 7's den (don't ask why I was there, I just was XD) She followed me around for a little while before I went to my den. She wanted to be "sisters" and she was wearing red mech wings and a crown with a red lollipop necklace. I put on the pink version of those things and after she saw she said. "Put wings and crown on trade". I told her I didn't want to and this is what happened:
Little pixel Bunny over internet tries to be intimidating. 
lol so I'm rude now because I'm not doing everything you say? .-.
More dumb insults. 

Wow what an apology.

With that I un-buddied her and locked her out of the den even after I gave her a chance to calm down. So yeah.... kind of confused about all of this @.@

AJMV: Jamie Grace - Ready to Fly

Yay! I've finished my 2nd AMV ever for AJ. This time it's a song from my favorite music artist: Jamie Grace :D I tried to make the video kind of depressing because I've heard that this song was for a little girl that died.... (?) Eh, I dunno. Feel free to tell me your honest opinion. I know about the Screen-o-matic at the bottom but I had no other way to film a video.

If you want to see my older video for Frozen's Let it Go to my channel. I made a lot of mistakes, I'm sure you'll notice them xD

AJ Pet Peeves

IDK, just something different for once instead of hacking and scamming stuff. So let's start! :D

  1. When the person leaves the adventure when you're half way through. 
  2. People who put items on trade but doesn't intend to trade them. 
  3. Going to a store and when you have to trade for the items the owner insists that you give them your rarest item. 
  4. Annoying people who go to places and start saying random things like "YOLO" and "Swag". 
  5. People who try to break the ice or canyon and invite people to help them. 
  6. Terrible and obvious scams that don't even make sense.
  7. Scammers and hackers in general. 
  8. Fail trolls.
  9. Trust trading. 
  10. Rude jammers.
  11. People that buddy you for no reason and never talk to you again. 
  12. When people buddy you just so they can get an item you have.
  13. Jammers who go around reporting players for no reason.
  14. People who offer Monday Rares on beta items. 
  15. Cool people you want to buddy but have their friend requests are off. 
  16. Peace makers who like to butt into a conversation/argument and try to stop it.
  17. Age 15+ players on AJ 
  18. People who try to get free items by begging. 
  19. Animal Jam logging you out when you're in the middle of something (grrr)
  20. Jammers who only want parents/boyfriends/girlfriends that are members. 
Hopefully this didn't offend anyone, that wasn't the purpose. What are your pet peeves on AJ? Thanks for viewing!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

jingles49052 - Doubling Items

A jammer that has the username of jingles49052 is doubling rare items like headresses, spikes, party hats, etc in their den! If you ever have the time, please look up this person and report them; doubling items is just like hacking. You're abusing glitches to gain items that other people have to work for. In other words, you're cheating. So please don't ever abuse glitches and use them to cheat, it's unfair to other jammers!

PumpkinBlue Snowflake