Tuesday, August 12, 2014


So because my brother feels that this wasn't that important (?!) he decided not to tell me that a few days ago I was an epic den?? I hope this was true but my younger brother lies a lot -.- 

Secondly, I've made a trolling account where I can basically be a spazz. The username is clownmakeup (very fitting, ik) and if you ever see me on there feel free to add me :D And don't take anything serious that I say xD

Did anybody hear about the passing of Robin Williams? I'm kind of a Disney addict so it was kind of sad to hear that the man who played the Genie in Aladdin and many other media died. Rest in peace :(

And lastly I see that this blog has reached 1000+ views :o Thank you so much everybody who has read and been apart of this blog. I feel like doing an official giveaway but I'm not sure what everybody would want from me xD

I'll be working on some possible scammers soon. Thanks for reading everyone!


  1. You can tell if you were on Epic Dens if you get a ton of JAGs. I once awoke to 44 JAGs because I was on Epic Dens. >0<

    Oh, that's terrible.. :(

    Congrats on the 1,000+ views!!! C:

    1. I guess I wasn't then. Oh well. And thank you! :) (This is pigsloth, I was just too lazy to log into my account lol)

  2. Congrats for the views!

    I'd like a Jamaa without evil, please.
    (Oh, please.)


Thanks for wanting to comment your ideas/opinions! I really appreciate it! :)
But please, don't:
1. Curse (words like crap, heck, dang, etc. are excepted)
2. Don't be rude
3. Please don't spam

PumpkinBlue Snowflake