Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Discoshop and my Theory

In a previous post on Pink's Blog (Now HufflePuff) people were defending discoshop's den and how they got the items. I, of course, am kind of suspicious of anything mildly out of place, so I had to investigate. Which is the reason I'm posting on a Tuesday instead of a Friday. So let's start with what we know:

  • Discoshop has 23 dens filled to the brim with specific items, generally having to do with a theme like their username says. 
  • I was told by monkeygirl1057 AJ that they buddied the person, and that supposedly the 'shop' dens are all owned by the same person (even though this can't be proved correct or false at the moment): 

As you can tell, there isn't at information about how they got the items, but I can say for a fact that even with as many accounts that the person/s made, their tableshop, bluerugshop and nonmemberportalshop would still not be possible. Here are the things we don't know:
  • The main account of the person/s who made the multiple accounts 
  • The exact reason for the multiple dens
  • The way they got the items
But with or without these facts, I'll try to debunk this comment:

  1. There is no way to prove that this is one singular person, even though it would prove my point even more.
  2. Having them buddy you doesn't prove they are a single person.
  3. "They have played AJ for a long time" Okay, I've been playing Animal Jam since 2011, a little after the beta stages. I consider that a long time, but there is no where in heck I am able to get that many items, long time or not.
  4. "and because they are the same person" once again, this person not cheating for items can not be proved by them being a single person. And just like before: that would prove even more that it was a hack.
The most suspicious rooms in the den series were of course the tableshop, bluerug shop, and the nonmemberportalshop. I'm not going to take a picture of everysingle one, just go on Animal Jam and look them up. The only one I'm going to show is the portal shop. 

As you can see, there are a ton of them. And if we go by the idea that they have been on Animal Jam for a while, it's still not possible because the portals have only been around for a year or so. The portals DO only cost a diamond, but still, this would be about 40-50 diamonds, and non members don't receive diamonds, remember? That would make it nearly impossible for this person to get this amount of portals.
There's even more on the top and bottom. Vist the den to experience the lag first hand!
Lastly, the tableshops and the bluerugs. I counted all the dens, and it ended up with a whopping 23 dens. Even with all these dens, you would only get 1 table and 1 rug an account. And even though everyone gets these items when they join, they usually end up being discarded.

Hopefully I helped everyone think and gave enough evidence for you to make a solid decision on wether or not this person/s have been hacking, scamming or are just really hardcore. Thanks for reading and have a happy Halloween!



  1. I'm not the kind of person who takes sides in these things - So I'm going to keep out of it this time.. Maybe not next time, but this time.

    There can be the rare 1-3 diamond spin in the Daily spin (And believe me, its been happening to me a lot recently), But i doubt if anyone else is having the luck. It could be that, Or it could be hacking/codes.

    I think i will never understand why people act the way they do... Whether its scamming, hacking, being a show-off, or just being annoying.


  2. ok so i give you an A in effort because i was very etonished (i cant spell) in what your theory was. Only i am bluerugshop and all the other shops and her theory is true (believe me or not) only if i was to get those items i would have to be a member right? (becuase nm dont get diamonds) (aflower) is my user we can talk if you want to know my secrets :D

    1. I'm a bit confused, you own the bluerugshop? Who's theory was correct? And I don't have much time to go on AJ right this moment, so if you want to tell me you're free to do so in the comments.

  3. They probably just traded a lot, just because they have items doesn't mean they are hackers

    1. After 3 paragraphs of work and study, a sentence with no proof isn't going to sway me.

  4. Also, I think it's true, yet a tiny flaw.... Sometimes the blue mat and tables aren't discarded. Great Job anyways! ~Popy2750

  5. oh my goodness! SO MANY 3RD BIRTHDAY CAKES AT 3rdbirthdaycakeshop's den!

  6. You can BUY diamonds for real money. Maybe THAT'S how they got so much money.


    I like gifting random people. You are next.

  7. Or MAYBE they have buddies who trade them that stuff. Members. Who get lots o diamonds.



Thanks for wanting to comment your ideas/opinions! I really appreciate it! :)
But please, don't:
1. Curse (words like crap, heck, dang, etc. are excepted)
2. Don't be rude
3. Please don't spam

PumpkinBlue Snowflake