Sunday, October 5, 2014

Very Needed Update of October

I made a previous post yesterday, but after checking over the usual blogs I'm on and AJ itself, I need to clear up somethings.

If you didn't know, the other author of this blog has left blogger for an unknown period of time. Pink will still be kept as an admin unless she says that she is leaving for good. If you want more information about her leaving click here. EDIT: Pink has said that it is more of a month hiatus instead. 

Second thing I need to talk about is the latest post I made. It got 75 views and about 5 or 6 comments and I'm worried it was for a bad reason. I was not dissing every 14 year old on Animal Jam ever. I was in a very bad mood, away from my house, with not other way to rant. If you are a very nice person who is older than I am, kudos to you. I do not hate you and I don't wish you'd leave aj. I made the post because I've started to see a pattern in older players and I just wanted to make people aware.

Third thing is 7. From what I see on AJ, 7 is banned for life as his account no longer exists at all. It's very suspicious, although the most obvious answer is that AJ staff caught onto 7's hacking and remove him.


  1. Yeah. I get what you mean. It's fine. c:

    And that's weird. Maybe 7 just changed his username, do you can't search up '7' anymore.? idk

    1. Nobody is able to change their username, which is why him being banned is the only explanation I can think of.

    2. It is possible to change your username. You can only do it once and you have to send AJHQ a list of four possible usernames that you want, fit their guidelines, and that aren't taken. If he was banned, good. Although there is an account called 7backup that someone confirmed it was him. Who knows.

      -Mod Gulo

    3. Interesting. I'll look more into this later. Thanks for the input!

    4. Yeah I said that in my comment above because Lilac (LilacPetal) had a storage named Skream (or something like that- I forgot) and then she changed that name to be Lilacyo. Because you can't search up Skream anymore. Or can you? I'm not that sure anymore.. Basically, they're the same accounts- just different usernames. If that even makes any sense..

      So ya. owo

  2. Interesting... I agree. at a time like this, being banned would have been the first thing to cross my mind. I wonder if the Animal jam rules are starting to get serious O.O

    I probably would've posted sooner, but i was playing fantasy life until 1:45 AM last night... So I'm not the brightest person at the moment.

  3. 7 is banned but hes a backup account called 7backup


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PumpkinBlue Snowflake