Friday, September 26, 2014

Leave now, all 15 year olds

I'm in a really terrible mood right now, so I'm trying to blog the pain out.

Disclaimer: I don't hate all 15 year olds, but I honestly don't think they should not be on a game like Animal Jam that is targeted to younger players. The result is players that hack, bully, and are down right annoying.

What happened that instead of going with my friend HunnyBadger to Serepia Forest I ended up in a fight with three people, all much older than me. I was trying to troll, but it seemed that a wolf (we'll call him Commander because that's all I remember of his nametag) was being rude to someone else. And me being the stuck up person that I am, decided to barge in. Commander was insulting someone, and because they seemed older from the way they talked; I told them to stop playing a kids game. They said "right back at ya" and "says the person who paid for the game" which made my blood boil, and I made a decent comeback but then they responded and I lost it. A koala named Infinity was a jerk as well, and Commander ended up with the last laugh, as did Infinity when they blocked me. I was angry/bored so I went over to her sleeping koala and I jumped on her. And with Commanders apparent dirty mind said "That's messed up Snow!" and Infinity followed along and said she reported me for 'bad behavior'. A cheetah then came over to me, and didn't end up blocking me so I had an argument with her. And of course, they all used the age card saying "Can't get sleep because of 8 year olds" and I told her I was much older than eight. And that's when they revealed their age, they were all 15 and one was 14. So basically they were picking on me because I was a few years younger .-. I got super angry and said my age (which I regret a lot) and I really hope I don't get banned.

*Long breath of air* I guess that's my post for today. Sorry if you find my rant posts kind of annoying >.<

Friday Funny:


  1. If my cousin were there she'd show them! >:( They should mess with people their own size/age! Or, better yet, GET A LIFE. :D

  2. I HATE IT when people get on a game and bully kids younger then them... I agree with you, Not all 15 year old's are bad, but most of them act like smart kids that use their smartness as a advantage to younger minds who can cry at the slightest mean word... (I'm not sure if that made any sense, but I'm probably going to wish i could change my comment after its posted...)

    I'm looking forward to a day when all 13+ stop acting like total jerks and just buy a Ice cream cone. /).-

    But to brighten the mood, the Funny Friday is funny :D


    1. I'm 13 years old, and I don't bully or scam.

    2. I don't mean to hurt any ones feelings - It's just that Ive had a lot of bullying problems from teenagers (And I still do if i walk outside my front door...) and i keep forgetting the fact that not all teenagers are like them...

      Again, I don't mean to hurt any ones feelings... I'm just saying what I wanna say.

  3. I'm more than 10, so are some of my good friends, but we don't bully, we don't hack. OK, point them out for me, and I'll put them on AJ Trial. I'm the prosecutor- so watch out! No, Phoenix Wright, you may not be the defense attorney.

  4. Umm... Ya... I'm 14. And I don't bully/scam/hack on AJ. (Or ANYWHERE.) and it's sad knowing that most of the AJ population that's like my age are selfish, greedy brats that enjoy scamming and hacking younger Jammers' pixels (that they work so hard for- y'know what I mean..) and make fun of them just because they're a few years younger. At least act mature. Gosh! >:( is very bad

    That dog's facial expression is priceless! :'D

    And Rainbow. Commenting about Ace Attorney again, are you? XD

    1. I understand that not all people that are older than 14 act like that-- I just wanted to post because I've started to see a pattern.

      I have an older sister who is that age and hangs out with us on AJ every so often. She is very kind and wouldn't hurt a fly. Don't worry, I haven't gone off the deep end and decided that all players that age are total jerks. I don't know you well but I'm sure you're a very nice person. Sorry if you thought I was like that Dx

    2. Oh, it's cool. I understand. I also see some kind Jammers that are around my age. But the majority aren't. Luckily, I see more of the kinder ones. lol ^-^

  5. I'm 17. I have done nothing wrong in the game. I actually try to prevent bullying, hacking, and scamming. I get that I'm older but I shouldn't be told to leave a game that I like playing just because of a few bratty teenagers. I like playing AJ, Poptropica, and Webkinz and I don't plan on leaving any of those any time soon. :)
    -Mod Gulo

    1. Please look at the 2 comments I've posted above. I am not dissing every teenager out there. Also, please don't add smileys to comments that are like this, as I see it as very rude and condescending. While I do think 17 is a bit old to be playing on kids games, we both have our opinions.


Thanks for wanting to comment your ideas/opinions! I really appreciate it! :)
But please, don't:
1. Curse (words like crap, heck, dang, etc. are excepted)
2. Don't be rude
3. Please don't spam

PumpkinBlue Snowflake