Friday, September 5, 2014

September Possible Scammers SEMI LONG

EDIT: Ik I have said this at least a thousand times since August, but so sorry for the lack of posts! I have not been on AJ willingly these past few weeks and homework has consumed my time. I'll make another post with the new posting schedule later. So for right now, enjoy! :)


 I have just learned that tomorrow it was Animal Jam's 4th birthday recently :D I still have the 1st birthday cake.... memories. So if anyone is hosting a party of AJ or if somebody wants me to I will xD It depends if people will show up.

Okay, now for the actual post, I have a lot of possible scammers. I think I took a lot of screenshots and forgot to make a post. So that means a really big post :D Let's begin:

Creature the bunny and another blue bunny that's kind of hard to see in this screenshot they scammed the deer and were actually the same person. I didn't get the chance to see their usernames :|

FYI, I was not asking to seriously go to the trust xD I just wanted to see their username.

I circled the scammer in red because I am creative :3

That is all for right now :) I'm thinking about making a blog about my daily life :| I'm not sure anyone would care but I have this urge to talk about off-topic stuff and I don't want to clutter this blog with it >.<

Thank you for reading and no I am not dead.


  1. Its good to know you still try to post without meaning to avoid it. We don't ask too much from you, or your daily life (We all have one) or anything else. It's also good to get updated about who is a scammer or not as well. :)

    1. Yeah, I just didn't want people to think this was just a temporary thing because I love blogging and it's great when you have an audience c:

      And I see you made an account....? Congrats! :D Are you thinking about making a blog?

    2. I aim to make a Vampire Kangaroo plushy comic, but at the moment I'm trying to get a idea of what people like and stuff like that. Also i need my dad's permission to make a blog as well... which is a down off .-.


Thanks for wanting to comment your ideas/opinions! I really appreciate it! :)
But please, don't:
1. Curse (words like crap, heck, dang, etc. are excepted)
2. Don't be rude
3. Please don't spam

PumpkinBlue Snowflake