Friday, September 19, 2014

Moar Pet Peeves

I am back for the weekend! *happy dance* But not everything is happy right now. I'm on AJ late at night and those two things do not sit well with me. I get really irritated by the slightest thing which does not end up well for people who act annoying. Which is why I'm here to complain more yaaaaaay

So my two newest pet peeves:

Randomly Locking Dens: 
This annoys me SO much, especially if you're actually doing something and/or starting a rp. For example, we were starting a warrior cats rp tonight and then randomly the person leading the thing glitched, left the game the den locked. What the heck!? That got me pretty angry. With this new feature comes great responsibility; that means you don't lock people out when you are bored.

Tricking people for 'teh laughs'
This has happened a few times before-- and the idea of going to their den isn't outrageous, it's usually just a fashion show or 'look at something cool in my den.' And then they end it by locking the den and laughing at their unamusing joke.

What's your opinion? Has the den locking feature done more bad than good? Leave your opinions in the comments! <3 (I'm also starting the monthly favorites in October, if anyone was wondering)

Thank you for the 2,000+ views! I can't believe people have actually been viewing my blog after me not posting for a week ;A;

Friday Funny:

1 comment:

  1. Its a mystery why people lock their dens when other role players/friends are in it. Your only crazy when you don't know your crazy, but if you know your crazy that means your not crazy. Isn't that crazy? (If anyone got ANY of that, I would be surprised, because i didn't get that!) Nice Friday Funny, Btw :)


Thanks for wanting to comment your ideas/opinions! I really appreciate it! :)
But please, don't:
1. Curse (words like crap, heck, dang, etc. are excepted)
2. Don't be rude
3. Please don't spam

PumpkinBlue Snowflake