Thursday, October 23, 2014

Polar Bears are coming to AJ!

Hello everyone! After a very long and monotonous journey through jamaa, I am back to bring you the latest scoop on Animal Jam!

In the Jamaa Journal it showed this picture and said that Liza was exploring (like moui) and took a picture of this animal!
It's pretty obvious it's a polar bear; but whatever keeps the kiddies happy, I suppose xD

With that, I have been notified that that 7 has made a backup account named 7backup. Is Animal staff that dense that they accept a request to change the username of the most notorious hacker in history!? But on the bright side that means that the username 7 is open!! 

My favorite halloween have got to be the candy shop theme and the bone items/ skeleton suit. What's your favorite item? 

Friday-Thursday Funny (I don't have school anymore this week so it feels like a Friday to me :P)

60 year old girl meme!
This meme is going to be the death of me

Question of the day: What different languages do you speak? 


  1. Haha. That granny-looking girl! :'D
    Oh gosh. cx

    Never saw the pumpkin cursor until now. Cool! :3

    I had a half-day today. yay!

    I wonder what polar bears would look like on AJ... Well, so does the majority of the AJ population, I suppose. I think...

    1. Yay for halfdays! :D And yeah, my blog is kind of glitchy so every so often you'll see the cursor.

  2. Yeah, First thought was Polar bears are coming to town! XD
    I mean, what else can blend in with snow? AND WHY ON EARTH WAS LIZA EXPLORING IN A SNOWSTORM?!?!? So yeah. Polar Bear.

    I USED to learn french, but i hated it so much my mum said i could stop - which i did.

    Friday-Thursday Funny was funny again! :3

    1. I'm not sure what AJ was thinking-- it was deadly obvious that it was just a polar bear hiding in the snow :p I understand, I'm fluent in Spanish and I take a program for it at my school. It's a fairly simple language and it's kind of boring nowadays :L French is probably the same way. 60 year old girl is my fav <3


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PumpkinBlue Snowflake