Saturday, July 19, 2014


Okay, sorry in advance for this post but I am SO PISSED. What happened is that I accidentally traded my rare pink bow away because I'm stupid. I traded it away because I was an idiot. Yep. My friend gave it to me and she told me she really liked it and I had been begging for one for EVER. So finally she traded one to me and I rejoiced to the heavens! Then fast forward about 2 years to today and I'm desperately trying to get a headress or at least something good out of my beta flooring when a jammer offers on my bow. I'm not actually sure why my bow was on trade, but it was, so I looked at the trade long and hard for about 30 seconds. They offered a spiked collar, a milkshake hat (which I've wanted for the longest time) and 2 more crappy items that I knew I wouldn't want. But of course because I'm not really good in the art of realizing-what-is-rare-and-what-isn't I traded it away. I was so happy for about 2 seconds because reality hit and I realized I just traded a very rare item away that I would not get back easily. Then I was like 'okay, okay. pigsloth, you have a spiked collar now you--- ARE YOU KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?' it turned out to be one from the diamond shop! I can't believe it! I had been trying all day long to get something good before my membership ran out. And the other day I was going to post something about me accidentally trading away a rare sword because I jumped to conclusions and didn't realize that I was trading for something that costed 300 gems in the shop. So yeah.... basically I've traded away something near and dear to me and I can't get it back to me. *sigh*



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PumpkinBlue Snowflake